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Self-Employment Assistance Program

People who are jobless but starting a small business may qualify for Self-Employment Assistance.

What is Self-Employment Assistance?

Self-Employment Assistance is a program for providing unemployed workers the opportunity for re-employment by creating their own jobs or starting their own business.

Similar to unemployment insurance, self-employment benefits are given weekly to eligible individuals who work full-time on starting their business, rather than seeking for regular wage or salary jobs.

Self-Employment Assistance Programs are voluntary programs offered by the state. Currently, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Pennsylvania have Self-Employment Assistance programs.

To qualify, you must:

* Meet your State’s eligibility guidelines for unemployment insurance
* Have lost a job through no fault of your own
* Be physically able to work, available for work and actively seeking suitable work
* Be identified through the State’s profiling system that you are likely to exhaust regular unemployment benefits

*Do note that an individual who has full-time self-employment activities such as entrepreneurial training, business counseling and technical assistance may be eligible for Self-Employment Assistance.

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