Program Description
The Adult Education State Grant Program creates a partnership among the Federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services. Its purpose is to assist adults in becoming literate and in obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency. It aims to assist adults, who are parents, to obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children as well as in the completion of a secondary school education.
General Program Requirements
By law, only states can apply for funds under this program. The federal government gives grants to each state and outlying area to assist them in providing adult basic education (literacy), English language learning, and high school completion or GED programs. Adults who are at least 16 and not enrolled-or required to be enrolled-in school under state law may get services from local programs. Adults needing services should contact the state director of adult education in their state to find the local program nearest to them at a school, community organization, or community college. For a list of state directors of adult education in all states, go to:
College Grants
Posted by Scott Williams on 12:37 AM