With an increasing number of families still struggling to cope with the financial crisis, the House approved last October 7 a $121-billion agriculture bill for the 2010 budget year. This bill will provide a $58.2-billion budget for the food stamp program, $16.9 billion for aid to school and childcare nutrition programs, and$7.3 billion for the federal nutrition program for women, infants and children.
The bill met with opposition from Republicans who cited concerns on increased spending. According to California Rep. Jerry Lewis, the country “is working to scrape its way out of a debilitating recession, and now is not the time to divert our precious resources to massive spending.”
However, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), head of the appropriations subcommittee on agriculture, defended the bill, reminding everyone that their fundamental responsibility as legislators and leaders is “to do everything to help Americans suffering right now from poverty and malnutrition.”
Ultimately, the bill passed with a vote of 263-162. The bill now goes to the Senate for final voting before the president signs it into law.