Even if you’re already saving up a lot by living in an apartment, there are always more ways to decrease your rental housing costs reasonably, without pinching the pennies too much.
Here are ways to lower your average home utility costs.
Electricity, insulation and energy
A considerable part of the average electric bill for your apartment usually goes to heating- or cooling-related activities. Proper insulation and thermal control can help you minimize the bill.
With your landlord’s permission, install a programmable thermostat, so you can lower the temperature by around 7 degrees when no one is at home, or when everyone is asleep at night. Remember to keep the old thermostat system, if possible, so you can reinstall if you do move. You can save up to 20% on your heating costs in this manner.
Use caulk, foamboard, weatherstripping and expandable sealant to plug in gaps in windows, doorframes, ceilings and flooring. If your unit has an attic – or is an attic space – then you should pay more attention to possible leaks. Electrical outlets, ducts and pipework are also common sources of insulation leaks.
Other ways for you to save up would be to install CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) lights, heavy curtains for the winter months, and to invest in properly placed light fixtures, so that you can minimize the number of lights you need. It’s possible that you can save more than a thousand dollars a year if you invest in proper heat insulation and electrical savings.
Check all faucets for drips, and replace old or worn ones. Use low-flow showerheads and toilet facilities. Lower your hot-water temperature to 120F, and make sure to keep your hot water plumbing insulated. The combined savings can be in the hundreds of dollars a year.
Again, work with your landlord when doing all this, as some of these may even be absorbed the landlord’s maintenance costs.
Minimizing Apartment Utility Costs
Posted by Scott Williams on 7:06 AM