Families First/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – This program gives a small cash amount to families who are struggling with finances. It is meant for those who have children and are finding themselves unable to afford even the basic necessities. While on TANF, a parent is expected to work or train for a job for a minimum of 30 hours per week. They are also expected to keep their kids in school, get all vaccinations for their children, and work with the courts to establish paternity and start child support proceedings. The TANF program might also include food stamps.
CHIP Program – The Children’s Health Insurance Program is a government-funded insurance plan available in every state. The program caters to those who cannot afford insurance on their own. It covers children for everything they need – medical, dental, and vision – and does so with either no co pays or very small ones. The CHIP program in your state is a godsend for those who are struggling to pay the bills and are worried about the health and well-being of their children.
WIC - Women, Infants, and Children. The WIC program is one of the most successful government programs for financially-strapped mothers. The program consists of coupons for free items every month. These items are the basics required for pregnant or nursing mothers and children up to the age of five. The financial limits on WIC are higher than that of other programs, so your odds of acceptance are very good.
Free or Reduced Meals – For many children, having a good meal at school might be the only time they get the nutrition they need. The government recognized the need and set standards for free or reduced lunchtime meals in all schools across the country. If your family falls under the income limits, your children can get lunches at a reduced price or for absolutely free. This counts for breakfast, too.
Food Stamps – For those who have empty cupboards, the food stamp program can come to the rescue. Established in 1964, the food stamp program has stamped out malnutrition in this country, but hunger continues. The program gives millions of dollars each month to keeping families fed and healthy
Government Family Financial Help
Posted by Scott Williams on 3:30 AM