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Choices of Wise Food

A recent study conducted at the Ohio State University’s Center for Human Resource Research suggested a strong correlation between the food stamp program, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and weight gain. Based on the findings, food stamps may actually contribute to obesity, at least among women.

Although the study cannot definitively prove that benefiting from the food stamp program directly causes weight gain, the correlation cannot be taken lightly either.

SNAP Goals

The food stamp program places a large emphasis not only on assisting low-income families with buying the food they need to avoid hunger but also helping them with healthy food decisions to protect their health and well-being. This is the reason why SNAP benefits are limited to nutritious food items (editor’s note: will be linked to “SNAP and Healthy Food Decisions”). Having a nutritious diet helps prevent health risks.

What this means

If a significant segment of SNAP participants is gaining weight, perhaps there is a lack of consumer nutrition education.

SNAP guidelines will indicate what beneficiaries can buy. However, it’s still the consumers who choose and purchase among the allowable food items to construct a healthy meal. A lack of consumer nutrition education may prevent them from doing so. A person may focus all their SNAP benefits to purchase the allowable meat and not bother at all with buying fruits and vegetables.

Final thoughts

If you truly want to maximize SNAP benefits, the best nutrition education tip is to be wise about your food choices. It takes discipline to make healthy food decisions. In many cases, it involves a lifestyle change. But these sacrifices may help you avoid unnecessary medical expenses.

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