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Demand for SNAP

The recession is driving more people to apply for the food stamp program, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Recent statistics show that SNAP enrollment surged by around two percent. This means that a staggering 34.4 million Americans (roughly one out of nine individuals) are lining up to receive benefits from the food stamp program.

Thankfully, more stores and groceries are now accepting food stamps to accommodate the growing demand. Ever since the food stamp program switched to Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards, recipients have had some hard times looking for stores that had EBT card terminals. But this dilemma is no longer a problem. Now, you can visit farmers’ markets and still find terminals that accommodate EBT cards.

This is certainly good news for struggling families. Despite diminished finances, individuals can still be assured of access to healthy foods. Eating right is the best way to minimize the chances of getting sick. You also save on healthcare costs if you keep yourself healthy.

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