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Eating Healthy with a Proper Diabetes Diet

Even with the Food Stamp Program (now known as SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards, it is still up to the person himself or herself to follow a proper diet. Eating healthy is very important, especially for low-income families who have a diabetic member. Here are some reminders on how to have a diabetes-friendly diet.

Count your carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can be your most important meal-planning detail. You should time and control your food intake to be as regular as possible. Consider, too, your medication and insulin. This way, your blood sugar level will not fluctuate wildly. Consult your dietician on how to count calories properly, so you can adjust your insulin dose.

Glycemic index

Some people with diabetes use the glycemic index to plan their diet and keep on eating healthy. Although foods with a high glycemic index have more sugar, sugar levels are not a function of healthy food. Foods high in fat, for example, have low glycemic index ratings.

Eating Healthy

You should add food rich in healthy carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products to your diet. Similarly, high-fiber food such as wheat products, legumes and nuts should be included. You should also eat fish at least twice a week.

Reduce fatty foods

Avoid solid fats, and substitute as much as you can with low-fat options, such as low-fat yogurt, and sugar-free products. Use olive oil and canola oil in cooking.

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