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Healthy Eating Plan

If you want to take full advantage of the food stamp program, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), you must follow a healthy eating plan. A nutritious diet reduces health risks, and can translate to lower health care costs. Here are eight useful tips to help you construct a healthy eating plan:

1) Use a smaller plate – Some nutrition education tips suggest using a 9”-diameter plate instead of the standard 12”. Your brain will be fooled into thinking that it’s eating a full-meal even though you’re eating less. You’ll be able to moderate your food intake.

2) Pace yourself – It takes time for the brain to determine when you’re full. Slow down when you eat. This will help you avoid overeating.

3) Take fruits and vegetables – Don’t forget to use your SNAP EBT card for fruits and vegetables aside from buying the allowable meat and fish options. You need fruits and vegetables to construct a healthy meal.

4) Choose whole-grain – Whole grains have more vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein compared to white, highly processed grain foods.

5) Limit yourself to healthy fat – Healthy fats can be found in lean meat, poultry and fish. Check the labels when you go shopping to avoid transfat.

6) Avoid meat once or twice a week – You can take beans and legumes for your source of low-fat proteins, vitamins and fiber during the days when you’re eating a meatless diet.

7) Take nuts occasionally – Walnuts and almonds contain omega-3, which is good for the heart. Remember, though, to take it in moderation.

8 ) Drink two to three liters of water each day – Studies show that the brain uses the same signals for thirst and hunger. Hence, in many cases, thirsty people end up taking countless of snacks in-between meals. Make sure that you are getting enough liquids. The body requires at least two to three liters of water each day.

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